The Frontier of Environmentally Forward Hospitality

As the first carbon-positive hotel, Populus will serve as a new benchmark for environmentally forward hospitality, meaning we give back more to the planet than we take from it. Our environmentally conscious practices are sewn into the fabric of who we are and guide every decision we make. This mission includes generating power from solar and wind to deploying enterprise composting practices at our restaurants to zero waste reduction meetings. 

Our deep commitment to environmentally forward hospitality includes redefining the mission to offset our operation’s carbon emissions. We define carbon positive as a commitment to sequester more carbon in biomass and soil than the combined embodied and operational footprints of the building across its entire lifecycle. Populus has planted over 70,000 trees in Gunnison County, Colo. In partnership with One Tree Planted vis-à-vis the United States Forest Service. Populus will also uphold its carbon-positive status throughout its lifetime by tracking, reducing, and offsetting its operations’ carbon emissions, including energy use, team member and guest transportation, food sourcing and transport, and more.

View of mountain
Couple drinking coffee

The First Carbon Positive Hotel in the U.S.

Populus is centered on making a positive impact on the environment. We’re not just a hotel – we’re committed to doing more good than harm when it comes to carbon. By teaming up with forests and farms, we’re helping combat climate change every day and with every stay. We’ve also designed and built Populus with environmentally conscious methods to reduce our carbon footprint. Any remaining carbon emissions are balanced out by supporting projects that capture carbon elsewhere. It’s not just about the building; we’re also mindful of our everyday operations – from energy use to transportation and even where we get our food. It’s a holistic approach to environmentally forward hospitality.